Past Forums

2022 Livable Cities Forum

Livable Cities Forum: Conversations for an Inclusive Future was held in Victoria, BC from October 3 to 5, 2022. The event brought together more than 300 delegates from across Canada and the United States over three days of workshops, training, networking and hands-on learning opportunities. Over 100 speakers, facilitators, workshop hosts and panelists shared their perspectives on how to prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion while advancing climate action.

Event highlights

The 2022 LCF focused on the theme of “Conversations for an Inclusive Future”. Throughout the three-day event, delegates discussed important synergies between efforts to address social vulnerabilities exposed through the pandemic and efforts to increase climate resilience and achieve net-zero in communities across Canada through an equity lens. Read the highlights report to learn more.

2022 Program

The 2022 program focused on how to integrate equity and inclusion into action on climate change mitigation and adaptation. Sessions were uniquely designed to go beyond presentation-style delivery, and included many interactive and engaging workshops, trainings, and discussion forums to offer networking and hands-on learning opportunities.


The welcome and opening plenary and multi-level government solutions plenary were recorded and are available to watch on ICLEI Canada’s Youtube channel. An interactive performance around the themes of sustainable cities and conversations for an inclusive future and short interviews with guest speakers can also be watched online. 

2022 Speakers

The 2022 Livable Cities Forum program offered perspectives from more than 100 speakers, facilitators, workshop hosts, and panelists from across Canada. Speakers shared stories, innovative ideas, and lessons learned on the program themes and engaged in thoughtful, valuable dialogue with delegates.

2022 Partners

The 2022 Livable Cities Forum was hosted by the City of Victoria in partnership with ICLEI Canada, the Canadian Urban Institute, and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities as a mobilizing partner. 

2022 Sponsors

We would like to give a special thanks to our sponsors for their support and contribution to the success of the 2022 Livable Cities Forum.

Recieve the latest LCF updates.


The Livable Cities Forum is ICLEI Canada's flagship event designed to bring communities together. ICLEI Canada supports local action to achieve net zero, resilience, sustainability, and biodiversity goals. We provide programming, training, and consulting services on a variety of local climate and sustainability issues.


Suite 204, 401 Richmond St. W.
Toronto, ON
M5V 3A8

ICLEI Canada's work happens across Turtle Island which has traditionally been and is home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples since time immemorial. We endeavour to listen to and learn from Indigenous Peoples on an ongoing basis in the process of our work.